Frequently Asked Questions​
Question: What does a treatment involve?
Answer: Your first treatment will follow a thorough full case history, assessing your general health, previous conditions and existing symptoms. These details are confidential. We carry out an examination through light clothing or treatment gown. A chiropractic examination may include observation (e.g. posture, range of motion and gait), palpation (feeling the joint, muscle or soft tissue) and orthopedic and neurological tests if appropriate. If we feel you need to see another healthcare professional at this stage we will recommend referral. Your treatment will depend on the findings following assessment and examination. Typically a mixture of soft tissue techniques will be used in conjunction with light chiropractic adjustments involving the chiropractors hands on a specific joint or bone. The aim is to restore the correct skeletal alignment and improve joint mobility. When the skeleton is correctly aligned and its corresponding soft tissue has the correct tone, the intervening nervous system should be unhindered therefore removing referred pain. Remedial exercises and post treatment advice may be given to optimise your treatment.
Question: How much will treatment cost?
Answer: An initial consultation, examination and treatment takes about 1 hour and costs £58. Any follow up treatment will take about 30 minutes and cost £42. We accept both cash and card payments.
Question: How many treatments will I need?
Answer: Most people find between two and six treatment sessions sufficient. The number and frequency of treatments depend on the duration of the injury, extent of the injury, your age, general health, posture and stress.
Question: Will the treatment be painful?
Answer: Due to the gentle nature of McTimoney-Corley Chiropractic and soft tissue techniques we use, the majority of patients do not find treatments painful. In fact many people find it a relaxing experience.
Question: Do I need a referral from my GP?
Answer: No a GP referral is not necessary.
Question: Will my private medical insurance pay for my treatment?
Answer: Many private health policies cover chiropractic care. It is usual for the company to reimburse the cost of the treatment. Please contact your insurance company to discuss your policy details.